Just Bored
Hey, i thought i would write. I had nothing better to do, well thats not true. I was looking over the pictures of my year at Summit College and i was taken back. And a few minutes before taking a walk on memory lane i was talking to a friend about progress. They feel like their life hasnt gone very far. Like they were suppose to be out and beyond their past. As i was looking back and thinking about my younger years (2yrs ago), i thought about how i saw myself. Uncool (whatever that means), lazy, dumb, failure, unpretty, funny (sometimes). To look at those descriptions just now, those words are words people at one point used to describe me. I took them and believed them. And ultimately lived them. Now, i wonder how i see myself. do i still live like what people describe me as. if thats true, then i havent gone very far. not matter where i live, i can still cease to progress. there are moments where i think i am above whats on this earth, but then i do something stupid or think a thought that is like this world. To be realistic, i believe i have progressed a bit. but i dont think i am anywhere near where i want to be. On that note, i think i should be doing what is better for me to do right now. Bye...